
The Structure lies within an “Ideal City” plot (a square block, 80m on each side). This project is the product of my first architectonic laboratory in Politecnico di Milano. The main goal of this class was to create an architectonic design that is functional, based on values of architectural history and , equally important, well composed.

Ideal City Layout Scheme

The design is arranged around a central nucleus identified by the Roman pools (frigidarium-tepidarium-caldarium), and by the Zen garden. The closed spaces that make up the building have various functions that are linked to the doctor's life, to the work he does, and to the customers he treats.


in the North-East corner we find his private home, which is connected to the warehouse and the administrative offices of the complex. Proceeding clockwise we find the four double rooms designed to host patients, organized around an impluvium, a characteristic element of the Roman villa. The health restaurant consists of an internal dining room communicating with an outdoor aromatic herb garden, and, subsequently, the hot stone sauna in the central part of the south side of the building. Continuing in the same direction along the glazed porch that connects all the rooms of the house we find, in a symmetrical position, the rooms for the various types of therapy(acupuncture, massages, etc.) arranged around a larger room that serves as a room for group therapy and yoga meditation. In the North-West corner we find the reception, this space, in addition to welcoming the guests, holds Diagnostic& changing rooms.


Portico (Arcade)
Owner's Residence
Guest Residence
Restaurant -
Herbal Garden
Restaurant - Closed Hall
Restaurant - Kitchen
Service Room
Therapy Rooms
Foyer Therapy
Zen Garden
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